We’re National Grid Electricity Distribution (NGED), the owner and operator behind the electricity distribution systems for the Midlands, the Southwest of England and South Wales. Serving communities of more than 8 million people, our expert teams deliver heat, light and power for homes and businesses, working outdoors with underground cables, overhead lines and substations that operate between 230 and 132,000 volts.
Net-zero targets are transforming the way we work and increasing the scope of the positive impact we can make. Right now, we’re looking for apprentices to join us.
Our people in Network Services work across a number of teams to keep the lights on for our customers. They might be helping a customer who has lost supply or supporting a developer building a multi-million pound project.
They maintain a 24/7 service from faults and maintenance, asset replacement to new connections, working outdoors with underground cables, overhead lines and substations that operate between 230 and 132,000 volts, their work is critical to everything we do.